A solitary bird soars against a snow-covered mountainous backdrop, conveying a sense of isolation.

This is a place giving you a widen view and a guidance of living in Japan

by understand

the characteristics of Japan

the bully issue

English and Cantonese language teaching market

the Japanese TV programs

the gender issue


social norm and the effectiveness

Japanese do like to marry foreigners

reason behind hypocritical of the working adult

quick settle-down memo for fresh Japan arrivals

#… many more …#
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為什麼說日本社會有兩極文化? 因為日本人無論在人與人之間的情感關係,國家教育方式或是承傳於大自然的生活環境,一切都形成了…
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Howdy! I am Nicole Cheung

Welcome to my cultural blog!

I engaged in exploration, practice and culture blogging, it is always fun to explore nationalities with their unique culture backgrounds and characters. If you are interested in coming or moving to Japan or you are curious about how I (an Asian) experience Japan, you are at the right place! This blog is definitely your choice.

I came to Japan in September of 2016. This blog is all about what I have learnt daily in Tokyo. From special norms, customs and traditions of the society, their unique money consumption concept and the consumption trend in Japan, also, what issues did I have encountered in the city, all of the stories will be shared with you.

Hope you enjoy your reading here!

Question to Nicole

1. Where are you from and Who are you?

I was born and raised in Hong Kong. I have a degree major in BA with a minor in Journalism & Communications. I like to try new things and this blog is self-developed by step by step self-learning from internet free pieces. I know this one may not be perfect yet but I will keep on trying to be perfect though.

Besides, Flute, Jazz with Guitar are my most favourite music; Swimming, cycling or badminton is my regular workout also. Without Sports and Music, no life here! : )

2. When was your first time to go travel alone?

My first time travelling alone was when I was 25 years old. I went to New Zealand for a month travelling plus language learning. Though I had my first horrible homestay experience there, I fell in love with adventure travel.

I like to make a flexible schedule for myself and the most wonderful thing is, during the trip, I can have tons of free time to make friends with different people around the world.

A playful group tour with Taiwan friends. An incentive course at Tokyo Hinode Buke Yashiki
(東京日の出, 武家屋敷) to learn ‘How to be a “Ninja junior” ! ‘