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A Quick Settle Down Memo for First Arrivals to Japan #4 – Some must-go places for buying daily necessities {立時安頓指南 – 購買日常用品篇}

Where to buy daily necessities?

After moving to a new place, you may need to buy yourself some new furniture or daily necessities. This article is going to introduce you to a few popular shops in Japan that people like to visit.
{搬進新居, 您可能需要買新家具或不同的日常用品。這篇文章將會介紹在日本非常受歡迎的日用品商店。}

Let’s dive it.

Nitori (ニトリ)

Nitori’s product price range rank in the middle to high. It has both physical and online stores with delivery service, you may find the store locations in their homepage.
{Nitori 的產品屬中高價位。另,該公司的實體店和網上商店都有提供送貨服務的,您亦可以在他們的主頁上找到不同地區分店的位置。}

Amazon (アマゾン)

Amazon is the most famous online shop in the world, their product price range seems very competitive with other stores.
{亞馬遜是著名的網上商店,與其他商店相比, 他們產品的價格在市場上是很有競爭力的。}

Other than middle to high range goods, there are 100 yen stores that may fit your needs.

100 Yen shop (100円店)

Their stores are spread all over Japan.

Daiso (ダイソー)

Their stores are spread all over Japan.

Seria (セリア)

Their stores are spread all over Japan.

The product quality and style are competitive but they accept cash for payment only.

In general, if your total purchase reaches a certain amount, you can enjoy a free delivery; if not, some stores may charge you at least 500 yen, depending on the delivery location.
{一般情況下,如果您購買貨品的總金額達到一定數目,原理上是可享有免費送貨服務; 若果沒有的話,某商店可能會向您收取至少 500 日元的付加費,具體數目取決於送貨地點。}

This article was first published on 7.20.2020
文章最初揭載日期為 7.20.2020

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