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Is the National Safety Rate of Japan the same as previous? {日本現今的治安狀況還如以往嗎?}

Since Japan has a lack of labour force, the ex-cabinet, Mr. Abe has approved a plan to accept more foreign workers to Japan since 2016. In 2018, there already 1 is a foreigner out of the 50 total mixed labour forces.

The first two biggest import labour force countries are Vietnam and China, the following are Philippine, Brazil, Nepal, Indonesia, Korea, America, Europe, etc. countries.  The labour force of Vietnam and China in total are already over half of the total of the rest of other countries.

Surprisingly, according to the National Police Agency of Japan, the crime rate was increasing because of those two countries mainly. Half of criminals in total are Vietnamese and Chinese in Japan and the crimes are majority in shoplifting, forged travel document, credit card and residence card (在留カード), drugs, theft, robbery, and illegally use other people’s online shopping account to do thousands of goods purchases, etc. organized crimes.
{令人驚訝的是,據日本警察廳稱,日本近年來犯罪率上升主要是因為這兩個國家的勞動人口。在日本的罪案中有一半的犯人是越南和中國人,主要罪行有盜竊(包括入屋及店內), 偽造假證件(包括旅遊證件), 信用卡和居留卡(在留カード), 販毒, 搶劫以及盜用他人戶口進行交易等不少有組織罪行。}

Why is that? Why Vietnamese and Chinese?

Large portion of Vietnamese who were sent to Japan for work are mostly with relatively poor family background.  Usually, they are sent here to become extremely low-income technical trainees because they had to settle a huge amount of agency fee about 1,000,000 yen to the corporate agent who sent them in.  Most cases are because they were threatened by those corporate agencies and to commit crimes, so that is the main reason why.
{據網上報導, 大部分被派往日本工作的越南人家庭背景通常都很差, 他們透過派遣來日工作是需要向代理公司支付約1,000,000日元的代理費, 因此他們亦成了廉價勞工, 成了低收入的技術培訓生了 。 很多宗案件都是因為犯人受到壞的代理公司所逼迫才鋌而走險。}

According to the National Police Agency of Japan’s information, the biggest Chinese criminal organisations that are active in Japan are Shanghai and Fujian criminals. 
{至於中國的罪犯, 據日本警察廳的資料,現時在日本最大和最活躍的兩個犯案組織是上海和福建幫。}

They have chosen Japan to commit crime because there is so much rumour flowing into their ears that Japanese are weak in prevention awareness, the Japan police force is nicer than the China one, the sentence to them is usually light and the worst case is just repatriation, etc. rumour, therefore, those criminals were not afraid to bear the consequences of the committed crime in Japan and they believe that it should be a bearable risk to take as they can easily get a lot of money within a short period.
{他們選在日本犯罪,是因為在中國大陸有很多謠言說什麼日本人的防範意識薄弱,容易下手; 日本警察比中國警察好,判決通常很輕,最壞的情況緊是遣返等等。因此,他們意識上覺得在日本所冒的風險相對上低, 於是來日以身試法。}

What shall we pay attention with?

According to the National Police Agency Japan, there are a few places and activities where criminals are likely to appear.

Shin-Okubo Ku

Since 2018 in Shin-Okubo, there are not only Koreans living there, huge numbers of people from South-east Asia such as Nepal and Vietnamese, etc. countries have also moved in.  According Chintai provided information, there are theft and assault cases increased in Shin-Okubo and that made residence feel anxious.
{自2018年,新大久保不僅多韓國人居住,大量尼泊爾、越南等東南亞國家人仕都已遷入了。根據「賃貸住宅」網上資料提供,新大久保的盜竊和襲擊案件近年亦有增加,這不但使附近居民擔憂, 往衣食街耍樂的您都要小心扒手哦。}

Kabukicho, Shinjuku

This is a place where criminals are likely to appear and commit crime, no matter at night club or on the street.  According to the National Police Agency Japan, there are murder cases in which some of the murderers are from mainland China.  Also, the biggest forged credit card group of Malaysia have been caught there as well.
{無論是在夜總會還是在大街上,新宿歌舞伎町都是犯罪分子愛出沒的地點。據日本警察廳, 一些謀殺案的兇手是來自中國大陸的, 另外, 馬來西亞最大的偽造信用卡集團也是在那裡被破獲的。}


There are many entertainment services such as love hotels, nightclubs and private clubs centralised in there especially at the north exit area.  According to the National Police Agent Japan, many vehicle theft and shoplifting crimes have increased in recent years.
{池袋是很多私人會所, 夜總會, 情趣酒店等娛樂場的集中地, 尤其在北口。 據日本警察廳,近年來許多車輛盜竊和入店行竊的罪案有所增加哦。}

Pachinko shop

Pachinko is a place that always gathers the gambling addicted people as well as criminals who plan to rob the shop.  Many crimes happen in Pachinko, criminals often appear in the shop for environmental checks or, the worst case is that they are actually a staff of the shop.
{這是一個賭徒經常聚集和被爆竊的地點。罪犯愛在店內流連尋找機會犯案. 有些更壞的情況就是犯人本身都是店內的員工。}

Nowadays, there are many crime cases that are not only done by foreign criminals but also by conspiracy with local Japanese. For example, in a stolen bankbook, a Japanese criminal assists in ATM withdrawal when a foreign criminal is not familiar with the ATM operation in Japan.  Therefore, the crime rate in Japan is different now, so take good care of yourself and family and don’t let misfortune come on you.
{其實, 現在有些案件犯人的國籍都已不是單一國家,而是有與本地的日本人合謀。例如,有人被盜存摺,外國犯罪分子因不熟悉日本ATM的操作, 因此串謀日本人一起犯案。所以現時日本的光景已經不一,不要以為跟以往一樣了。}

This article was first published on 20.4.2020
文章最初揭載日期為 20.4.2020

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