Nicole Cheung

Howdy, I am Nicole Cheung. I engaged in explore, practice and culture blogging, it is always fun to explore nationalities with their unique culture backgrounds and characters. If you are interested to come and stay long in Japan or, you are curiosity in how did I experienced of Japan, you are at the right place!

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GENDER #1 – The citizens in Japan generally admit the fact that, what gender are they and that will be a key factor to decide what treatment they deserve in their daily life?

There is an interesting phenomenon in the society of Japan about a differential treatment for boys and ladies. Making gimmick for more revenue come in is not a common way to go in traditional Japanese’s mind…

GENDER #1 – The citizens in Japan generally admit the fact that, what gender are they and that will be a key factor to decide what treatment they deserve in their daily life? Read More »

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Japanese people has to learn ‘How to embrace solitude’? #1

There is a news report from Nikkei Japan on Oct 15th of 2020, it is about the allocation of family of Japan in the coming up 20 years.  The report reflected the result that from current, the society shall put the spotlight on Single family instead, it is because the percentage of it was seems to be going up to a one-third of the overall family types at the year of 2040…

Japanese people has to learn ‘How to embrace solitude’? #1 Read More »

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在東京生活並不容易,尤其是對於單人匹馬越洋過來的女生來說,一個不曾熟識, 語言又陌生的環境,各方面都需要重新了解,再學習處理方法,絕對是一項重型級挑戰。另外,由於東京的住宿環境,生活物品,人生安全等皆屬優質,其花費更不可能便宜。加上受到上班一族的非人對待,每日受到日本人的排斥和各種欺凌,通通都會影響個人情緒健康,若不幸患上了抑鬱,醫藥費用誰來負担?

在東京生活的代價 Read More »