Nicole Cheung

Howdy, I am Nicole Cheung. I engaged in explore, practice and culture blogging, it is always fun to explore nationalities with their unique culture backgrounds and characters. If you are interested to come and stay long in Japan or, you are curiosity in how did I experienced of Japan, you are at the right place!

nature, earth, sustainability-3294632.jpg


在患難中得到日本,台灣及香港人的幫助, 我學懂感恩. 記得那時搬屋子真很狼狽,因為我是女生,當時日文亦不太流利,我的一位日本朋友特意為我找來一輛客貨車並帮我一起搬屋,而我亦找了另外一位台灣舍友幫忙一起搬。最叫我要感恩的事,就是我新居中的大部分家品電器,大件的由微波爐至小件的鏡,枱燈等等,就算是單車,都是朋友送來的…

在日本生活的人都養成了這個習慣 Read More »