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What types of industries and Jobs in Japan have most foreign nationals in? {現時日本哪些工作和行業是以聘請外國人為主?}

According to the statistics figure of a government department of Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Oct 2020, there are about 1.46 million of foreign employees working in Japan and had 14.2% increase when compared with the year before last year.  In the total number of foreign employees, there are over half from China which is about 389,117 (26.6%) people and about 316,840 (21.7%) people from Vietnam. 
{據日本政府部門, 厚生勞動省2020年10月的統計資料,日本約有146萬外藉僱員,與前年相比有14.2%的正増長。在外籍員工總數中, 約有389,117(26.6%)人 , 一半以上是來自中國,另外, 有316,840 約(21.7%)是來自越南。}

Then, what industries do Chinese and Vietnamese hire the most in Japan?  What are the hottest types of positions for foreign nationals in Japan? 
{那麼,中國人和越南人在日本的哪些行業是最為受歡迎, 被受僱最多呢? 此外, 在日本又有什麼熱門行業職位可供外籍人選擇呢?

This article will walk you through, let’s dive in.
本文將會為你介紹, 來進入議題吧!}

What type of visa do foreign nationals hold?

According Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare :

No. 1 is Permanent Visa/永住者. (about 496,000 of foreigner holding)
{第一是永久簽證/永住者。 (約有496,000名外國人持有)}

No. 2 is Technical Trainee Visa. (about 308,000 of foreigner holding)
Since a lot of the Vietnamese are via a job agency to come to Japan to be technical trainees, they are in this category.

No. 3 is Professional Visa. (about 277,000 of foreigner holding)
This category includes a wide range of professionals such as Language teacher, Professor, Lawyer, Accountant, Doctor and Nurses, etc. licence holders.
{第三是專業簽證。 (約有277,000名外國人持有)

When most of the manufacturers hire Vietnamese and Chinese to be technical trainees, then, what companies hire the most foreign nationals?

According to Toyo Keizai on Jun, 2016,
{據2016 年 6 月東洋經濟的報導,}

No.1 is Foster Electric. They hired 48,670 foreign employees which is about 98.9% of the total employee in the manufacturing division.
{第一是福斯特電機, 他們僱用了 48,670 名外籍員工,約佔總生產部門員工的98.9%。}

No. 2 is UMC Electronics (Electrical Equipment) They hired 10,697 foreign employees which is about 98.5% of the total employee.
{UMC(電氣設備), 他們僱用了10,697名外籍員工,約佔總員工的98.5%。}

Other than the above, what other industries do foreign nationals likely work in Japan?
{除了以上工種, 還有哪些行業是比較接納外國人呢? }

No. 1 is the IT Technical industry. Other than technical trainees, they have great demand in hiring system engineers. Also, they don’t care much about job applicants’ Japanese language skills.
{第一是IT技術行業。除了技術實習生,他們對招聘工程師的需求亦很大, 他們有很多更不怎懂說日語。}

No. 2 is the Business Sales industry. Since they prefer to use foreigners to cope with overseas clients, they have great demand for hiring foreign nationals to the positions of retail sales, business coordinator, interpreter and translator, etc..

No. 3 is the Hotel industry. To cope with overseas visitors, they have a great demand for hiring a Receptionist to be their front line of the overseas department.
{第三是酒店業 為了應付海外到訪旅客,他們需要聘請更多的接待員來作對外前線。}

In general, Japan has a great portion of demand on language teachers such as English and Chinese teaching as well as the junior front line positions like work as retail sales, receptionists, sales coordinators and technical trainees, etc..  
{總結以上, 現時日本對教中英語的需求很大,另外主要招聘策略是在零售,接待,銷售聯絡和技術培訓等初級職位方面。}

If you have work experience in those positions and are not afraid of keen competition nowadays in Japan, it is worth giving it a trial.

This article was first published on 8.15.2021
文章最初揭載日期為 8.15.2021

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