real estate, homeownership, homebuying-6688945.jpg

A Quick Settle Down Memo for First Arrivals to Japan #3 – About Rental {立時安頓指南 – 租賃篇}

Where to rent a living place?

No matter to buy or to rent a house, there are a lot of real estate agents in Japan for choices. If you are new here and no clue where to rent a suitable living place, this article hopefully can be a useful guide for you. I am going to list out the most POPULAR and USER-FRIENDLY real estate websites as well as the moving services in Japan for your good reference.
{在日本有很多房產中介選擇, 無論你是想從宿舍搬出或是剛到日本, 你可能不太熟悉在哪裡能租到適合的住所,這篇文章有望幫助到您。我將列出日本現時最受歡迎最易上手的房地產網站以及搬屋服務,以供您好好參考。}

Let’s dive it.

Real Estate Agent Enquiry Service (English & Japanese Available)
{地產詢問服務, 中英文可}

You can check out an agent list that has shown all property agencies who accept email enquiries in English. The list has divided into 3 columns of Tokyo, Kanagawa and Chiba districts. You can tell them your rental plan with budget and wait for the reply. Check out the list by Suumo at 英語対応可の不動産会社特集|SUUMO(スーモ)
3地名單中,包括東京、神奈川和千葉, 有些是能提供英文溝通服務的 (但只限電郵), 閣下可查看那些代理列表的聯絡資料,把您的租賃計劃,預算等告知他們,然後等回覆便行。}

Real Estate Agent Service (Japanese only)

Yahoo Real Estate, Japan

Yahoo is Japanese’s favorite brand. The real estate website provides more than 5.35 million rental properties information and it boasts average of 11 million monthly website visitors which is quite an impressive figure if compare with other property websites.
{Yahoo是一個熟悉的品牌. 該創立的房地產網站有提供超過 535 萬條租賃物業資料,平均每月有 1,100 萬個造訪者流量,若與其他房地產網站相比,這已是一個非常可觀的參考數字來啊!}

goo real estate website
{goo 地產網}

Similar with Yahoo’s providing, goo also provides a useful search engine. This real estate website is strong at via 3D shot pictures to let tenant has a clear visibility of the internal situation of a property.
{與雅虎地產網提供的服務類似, goo 也創建了一個搜索引擎來搜索房地產資料。goo地產網站擅長利用3D拍攝的影像來讓客戶清晰看見物業內部的情況。}

Besides, they provide Moving Services as well, you may fill out the request form online to ask them for a quotation in case necessary. Check out this website at 引っ越し見積もり・引っ越し費用を比較 【goo 住宅・不動産】
{他們亦有提供搬屋的服務, 有需要可在線填寫申請表來索取報價。網址為引っ越し見積もり・引っ越し費用を比較 【goo 住宅・不動産】

Nifty real estate

This real estate website is providing more than 13.83 million of rental properties. Since this is a big group, other agents from big real estate group also registered in this website.
{該房地產網有提供超過 1383 萬個租賃物業資料。藉得一提是因Nifty是一個行內大集團,所以亦有不少大型房地產代理在此網站登記服務。}

To sum up, the real estate websites above are the user-friendly ones, you can adjust your rental preferences by looking at the search result at the same time, it saves you a lot of searching time. Check out the quotation request website at 無料】引越し見積もり!複数の引越し業者から最適な業者をご提案
{他們亦有提供搬屋的服務, 有需要可在線填寫申請表來索取報價。 網址為【無料】引越し見積もり!複数の引越し業者から最適な業者をご提案|ニフティ不動産 (}

LIFULL real estate

This real estate website is providing more than 7 million of rental properties. Refer to the following picture, you may find that they have best agent service award. You can easy spot that there is an LIFULL recognized service award logo stick on the top right hand side of their advertisement.
{此網站有提供超過 700 萬個租賃物業。 他們有頒發最佳代理服務的獎項,若想尋找優質代理, 你可以從租賃廣告的右上方看見一個LIFULL認可的服務獎標誌。}

Besides, they provide Moving Services as well, you may fill out the request form online to ask them for a quotation in case necessary. Check out this website at 引越し見積もり・費用相場・一番安い引っ越し業者探しは
{他們亦有提供搬屋的服務, 有需要可在線填寫申請表來索取報價。網址為引越し見積もり・費用相場・一番安い引っ越し業者探しは【LIFULL引越し(旧HOME’S引越し)】 (}

To sum up, the real estate websites above are the user-friendly ones, you can adjust your rental preferences by looking at the search result at the same time, it saves you a lot of searching time.

Finding the best living place for yourself is an important task and most of the time is correlated to the quality of your property agent. If you are not in that hurry, you may try to develop a good relationship with your agent first hand, this is important to connect an agent who has a good reputation, experience and is responsible for you.
{能否為自己找到一個好的居所是與地產經紀的素質有關的。如果不太急,最好是首先與幾位不同的地產經紀接觸, 作多些詢問來看看他們的回應。選擇一個有良好聲譽、經驗和責任感的代理最有保障的做法。}

This article was first published on 7.10.2020
文章最初揭載日期為 7.10.2020

要回「網誌 日本」看其他精彩文章嗎?

Continue your reading: Go A Japan Guide for First Arrivals #2021-4 – Where to buy daily necessities? or, Understand the Common Rental Words and Rules in Japan #1 {快速安頓指南 – 購買日常用品篇}