Understand the Common Rental Words and Rules in Japan #2 {日本的租賃名詞和規則 2}

The Common Rental Words

Japan is a country most affected by tsunamis, floods, typhoons, earthquakes, etc., natural disasters throughout a year, therefore, when you consider your rental, better check the location, how far is it close to the water? Is it at lowland valley? Regard the aspect of construction structure of the building, does it have a good earthquake resistant?
{日本是一年四季都受著海嘯、洪水、颱風、地震等影響的國家,所以在考慮租房子時,務請先好好了解一下所選大厦的地理位置是否近海? 是否處於低地或山谷? 建築物的施工結構, 又是否能具備良好的抗震性?}

Since difference structure to be built also decided what material to be used, the following are the common types of building material in Japan and, the related information should have clearly mentioned in every single rental advertisements. Let’s dive in.

木造 (もくぞう) /
Wood / 木材料

Mostly in small scale buildings or detached house, consider an average to poor sound insulation.
{小規模樓房為多, 一戶建為主隔音效果非常一般}

鉄筋コンクリート造 (てっきんこんくりーと) /
RC (Reinforced Concrete) /

Mostly in medium sized buildings, consider the cost of construction materials is average with excellent sound insulation.

鉄骨鉄筋コンクリート (てっこつてっきんこんくりーと) /
SRC (Steel Reinforced Concrete) /

Mostly in big sized buildings, consider the cost of construction materials is high, sound insulation is excellent.
{大規模樓房為主, 建築物料成本稍貴

All of the above building structure and materials are good to choose but please bear in mind that, better NOT to CHOOSE a too old building, say over 25 years, the building material of it may has corrosion due to long years and can be resulted to a bad earthquake resistant.
{上述所有物料所造成的房屋都是安全的,只是不要選擇一些太舊建築物便行。一些已經超過 25 年樓齡的建築,其建築材料有機會因受長年累月的風雨腐蝕都不能發揮到最好的抗震性能,所以都是安全為上吧。}

Trust the above info are good enough for your right choice making. Good luck!
{相信以上內容可足已幫助您做出正確的租賃決定吧 ! }

This article was first published on 10.7.2021
文章最初揭載日期為 10.7.2021

Continue your reading: Go A Japan Guide for First Arrivals #2021-4 – Where to buy daily necessities?