Nicole Cheung

Howdy, I am Nicole Cheung. I engaged in explore, practice and culture blogging, it is always fun to explore nationalities with their unique culture backgrounds and characters. If you are interested to come and stay long in Japan or, you are curiosity in how did I experienced of Japan, you are at the right place!

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When searching for a product to buy in Japan, do Japanese use any tools to assist them to make a perfect decision on purchase?

In Japan, just one product it might has variety of choices and it makes people dazzling sometimes.  Bad manufacturers also try to take advantage of that confused situation and try to scam consumer by sending an unacceptable bad quality product…

When searching for a product to buy in Japan, do Japanese use any tools to assist them to make a perfect decision on purchase? Read More »

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What types of industries and Jobs in Japan have most foreign nationals in? {現時日本哪些工作和行業是以聘請外國人為主?}

There are about 1.46M of foreign employees working in Japan, over half is from China and the rest are mainly from Vietnam. What job visa do they hold for it? Any other job opportunities for foreigners who want to come to work in Japan?
現時在日的外籍員工約有146萬, 有一半是來自中國, 另外就是越南為主, 究竟他們拿什麼簽証來日的呢? 另外, 現時日本有什麼流行的工作機會給外國人?

What types of industries and Jobs in Japan have most foreign nationals in? {現時日本哪些工作和行業是以聘請外國人為主?} Read More »