disc, shot, assassination attempt-445271.jpg

The Living District Safety Navi Map {各區安全資訊導航地圖}

Are you looking for a place to move?  Do you care about the current safety situation of the living place where you are in or going to move in?  If you are a parent, do you care about the safety of your family members especially when they are still at an early age and/or do you have a teenage daughter?
{你是否在尋找新居? 又或者, 你的現居或將要搬入的新居治安情況, 了解多少 ? 若你已是唯人父母, 你是否關心你家人的安全,尤其對於家中有小孩或處於青春期的女兒? 你想更安居嗎? }

Though it is well known that Japan is on the top list of the safest countries in the world, there are many crimes still happening every day in many corners around us.  Do you want to know what crimes are and also, how to affect your daily decision making?
{眾所周知, 日本是世界的安全國其中之一, 治安排行常常在名列前茅, 但你是否有認清一個看似安全, 但其實不十分安全的地方, 每日有著不同的罪行在發生? 您想知道那些罪行是什麼嗎? 又如何影響你的生活?}

This article will walk you through the safety info provider of Gaccom Japan.  Let’s dive in!
{這篇文章會為你介紹一個提供安全資訊的網站, 叫Gaccom Japan 。 來吧! 現在就一齊來看看吧!}

What is Gaccom Safety Navi
{Gaccom 的安全導航是怎樣的?}

Gaccom is a school information searching provider, besides that, it also provides a district safety information search for public useful reference.
{Gaccom 是一家提供學校信息搜索的資訊網,此外, 現時他們還有提供地區安全信息搜索, 以供公眾參考。}

Safety Navi is a navi map which provides easy-to-understand public safety information including where cases occur and what kind of suspicious-looking person appears.  Information presented by avatars, icons, or graphs in navi map for public safety and security reference.  Besides, the information analysis and classification about incidents are provided by the local government police department which is very helpful.
{Safety Navi 是一個以易於理解的方式去提供公眾一些安全信息的導航地圖, 其中資訊包括有案件的類別, 發生的時間和地點, 如有需要, 使用者更可用搜尋方式去尋找該區有否可疑人物? 導航地圖內都以不同頭像的圖標來表達其位置。當中資訊分析更是由當地政府警察局所提供的。}

All crimes were classified into about 31 types and were represented by typical icons in navi map for users’ easy recognition.
{他們將所有罪行分為31種, 並以不同圖標在地圖上清楚顯示。}

How to read the Safety Navi Map?

Just simply move the cursor from and to the navi map you want to locate, or you can type in the location name directly in the search box on top right corner of the navi map (see the above, the first navi map picture), the safety updates shall be immediately shown out accordingly.
{做法簡單, 只需將光標在地圖上移動到想找尋資訊的位置便行, 你亦可於地圖右上⻆的搜索引擎(在第一圖見紅色)中直接輸入想搜索地區即可。 相關安全資訊馬上便伯會顯示出來。}

Since you can freely move the cursor from and to the selected location, just one click to the selected crime icon, an update info will be popped up on navi map.  For example in the picture below, the info note of an assault was popped out on the above of the selected icon, it is an injury case that happened in Shinagawa district, Tokyo on June 29.
{將鼠標放在選定地區的犯罪圖標並單擊一下,有關的罪案資訊便會在導航地圖上相應彈出更新來。例如下圖中, 圖標上方就已彈出了有人被襲擊的最新案件資訊, 其案件是在6月29日, 東京的品川區發生的哦 。 }

Besides, you should be able to read that many different crimes are happening in the surrounding areas as well. Click those icons of your concern, zoom in or out the map that help you to realise those locations more.
{此外,在地圖上你更可以看到周邊地區有發生的罪案, 多做放大或縮小地圖和點擊不同罪案圖標的動作都有助你了解當區的治安情況。}

Another example of mine, other than fraud, suspicious calls, I noticed that there are many molesters and students who approach crimes in the district of North Akabane.  While you go check-in the convenience stores there, perhaps you may discover that the types and sales volume of porn magazines is more than fashion one if compared with other districts.
{我有一個好好的例子,除了欺詐電話外,我注意到在東京的北赤羽區內經常有性騷擾者出沒和接近學生的罪行發生。 另外, 在逛便利店的時候,你也許亦不難發現,與其他類近地區相比,該區的色情雜誌種類和銷售數量會比時尚雜誌的還要多。}

In this case, what do you think?  Do you still want to live there though the rental price may be cheaper than other districts?
{怎麼樣? 與其他地區相比, 其租金即使便宜一些,你會不介意住在那裡嗎?}

This article was first published on 10.4.2020
文章最初揭載日期為 10.4.2020

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