Understand the Common Rental Words and Rules in Japan #1 {日本慣用的租賃名詞和規則 1}

For fresh arrivals, to rent a place (except share house) that may not that simple as imagination, that is not because of money shortage but there are many rental norms and rules here that we might not have heard about and also not easy for us to understand.
{對於初到日本的朋友來說,在日本租房子(如不是分租)並不是簡單的事,原因不是說用錢不夠,而是因為日本有太多我們以前可能從未聽過的, 或是不太容易理解的租房規範吧。}

To let you have a better reference, I will explain the meaning of the most common rental words bilingually in English and Chinese; rules, as well as the things that you might need to understand when go ahead to rent a place.
{為了讓大家能有較好的準備,我會跟大家講解一些見慣的租賃詞所有的中英文含義,規則以及在您在租住時需要注意的事情, 來給大家一個好好的參考吧。}

The Common Rental Rules

保証金・敷金 (ほしょうきん・しききん) / Deposit / 押金

Normally it is a one month deposit to landlord.  The deposit should be 100% refundable when you move out without the following bad scenario.  One is without arrears of rent and the second is, without damaged of the room, etc. dispute.  If not, part of your deposit will be deducted accordingly and you may just have the balance back or nothing.
{押金一般是1個月的租金額. 押金有兩個主要保障房東的用途, 一, 若租客有拖欠租金的情況發生便用來付欠額, 二, 若果房間裹有任何損壞便用來作維修費. 因此如果沒有任何以上類似的情況發生, 在退房時, 押金應能100%退還。}

礼金 (れいきん) / Key money / 道謝費或禮金         

Key money is commonly known as a thank you money to landlord, it costs one month of the rent and non-refundable.
{禮金在日本是一項常見的道謝費。通常在租住一些質量較好的住所時會收取的費用, 是一種對房東道謝的做法。 禮金一般收取最少等同你租金的一個月數額, 且不可退還的。}

共益費・管理費 (きょうえきひ・かんりひ) Management fee / 大厦管理費或雜費

Management fee is a monthly charge such as club house facilities (if any), security service or lobby cleaning, etc. expenses.  Some have or, some doesn’t have because it was included in monthly rental.
{管理費為每月收費的開支,像一些會所設施(如有)、大厦保安服務或大堂清潔等開支。 有些有收取,有些沒有特別收取,因為可能它額不高, 所以都包含在月租金額中。}

保証会社 (ほしょうかいしゃ) / Rental guarantee insurance / 租金保證公司       

This is a rental guarantee service provided by insurance company.  They will settle the rental payment to landlord instead in case there is a delinquent happened.  However, the service fee to insurance company is responsible by tenant.
{這是租金保證公司。若有租戶拖欠租金的情發生,保證公司會代付房租。但是, 給租金保證公司的費用一般是由租戶負責的。}

住宅保険 (じゅうたくほけん) / House Insurance / 房屋保險  

House Insurance in Japan is mainly cover fire insurance and earthquake insurance which include damage caused by eruptions and tsunamis.  The insurance package usually comes with rental contract for tenant.
{日本的房屋保險主要包括火災保險和地震保險,涵蓋範圍包括火山爆發和海嘯所造成的損失, 一般都需要購買的。}

更新料   (こうしんりょ) / Renewal fee / 租約更新費 

This is a contract renewal fee which usually cost one month of your new rent.
{租約更新費用多是租戶新租金的一個月。例如合約期為兩年而想更新的話,租戶便需在更新前交妥這筆費用, 以便中介人準備履行新的租約。}

仲介手数料 (ちゅうかいてすうりょう) / Property agent・brokerage fee / 物業代理費或經紀費  

The property agent or brokerage fee to be charged only when the contract has been signed up for both parties and effective. It usually costs one month of your rental fee.

鍵交換料 (かぎこうかんりょう) / Key exchange fee / 鑰匙更換費        

Key exchange fee occurs when the new tenant requests to exchange a new door key for the rental room.
{鑰匙更換費是準住戶要求在入住前更換租住房間的門匙, 這時候便可能需要收取此項費用。}

This article was first published on 15.07.2021
文章最初揭載日期為 15.7.2021

Continue your reading: Go Understand the Common Rental Words and Rules in Japan #2 or A Japan Guide for First Arrivals #2021-4 – Where to buy daily necessities?

要繼續看文章:日本租賃用的名詞和規則#2 – 常見租賃用詞